Dog Grooming
Grooming a dog takes patience and a whole lot of love. At Bark of the Town, our experienced groomers understand the temperament and personality of each pet we groom. We know no two pets are alike, which is why we keep a file on each pet, ensuring that your pet gets the same care each time they visit us.
We pride ourselves on our senior pet care grooming services. Please let us know if your pet requires special care or if there are limitations. We will work with your veterinarian. If your pet experiences a medical event while at Bark of the Town, we will call you immediately and transport your pet to the local ER at Bulger Veterinary Hospital.

Nothing smells better than a clean dog. At Bark of the Town, we use only the best all-natural products for your pet. We specialize in pets with skin allergies and carry special shampoos to treat irritated skin. Our expert groomers will make sure your pet is well cared for, clean, and mat-free when they leave.

Other Services
Sometimes a pet needs more than just a buff and shine, which is why Bark of the Town offers services other than grooming. We recommend you have your pet’s teeth cleaned every six months, their nails trimmed monthly, and dematting every time they are bathed. If needed, we can even help wash away the odor left by a skunk.
*Additional charges apply
**Availability limited; please call to discuss.